Sunday, December 5, 2010

Forbidden Realization.

I've FINALLY come to the realization that I've been missing out...

Been missing out on the ideas, stories, LIFE...that I should have been living.
I think it all started when I got my inspiration back in my writing and creating.
I was so preoccupied with the drama, and the LAME things that were going on in my
sick and twisted little world. I let these people get to me...these horrible people who
wanted nothing more than to laugh at/judge others for their mistakes.

I mean, of course it hurt me to know I had lost such a big chunk in my life,
to know that the people I surrounded myself with were gone.
THEN, I realized...they weren't my friends, I was doing what I though I should do and
hanging out with people because they were there...and they had a couple things about
them that I enjoyed seeing/talking about.

Now, things look different...I feel FREE. I feel like I can finally say all the weird shit I've locked away in my head, I can record it on paper once more, and truly do something I enjoy doing.

My inspiration is back, the people I aspire to know more about are in my life, and I couldn't be more excited about that idea.

Im going to use this to post bits and pieces of my work...and things I find interesting. call it my "notepad" if you will.

"People ask me how I get my ideas. I tell them I have the heart of a little boy... in a jar above my desk."
-Stephen King

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